
Updates order information before capture.

  • Adding an external code that represents the order ID of the merchant if not already submitted previously.
  • Changes the order amount associated with the order.


  • uuid of the order
  • order is in state created and does not already has ane external_code for an update of 'external_code`
  • order is in state created or partially_shipped for an update of the order amount


  • Response Code: HTTP 204


  • The value provided under external_code (the order number from your backend) will be used by Billie in communication with the buyer after capture.
  • If an external_code was provided at create order or confirm session call the uptade order call will fail, if it is a different external_code.
  • Lowering the values under the amount object to equal the sum of all partial captures will result in the order state to transition from partially_shipped to shipped.
  • If the update order call increases the amount of the order, the increased amount will be subject to all checks and validations as a newly created order.
  • If any part of the update order call is failing, no changes to the original order will be applied.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!