To integrate the Billie checkout widget, the following steps are required:

  1. Add the Billie checkout widget bundle to your checkout page
  2. Provide config data (with the session_id from the server-side integration)
  3. Provide order details and call the mount method
  4. Handle the widget responses

This section provides a step-by-step guide of the setup process.

1. Include Billie Checkout Widget Bundle into your Checkout Page

On the checkout page, the following code snippet must be included:

<script> var bcwSrc = ''; (function(w,d,s,o,f,js,fjs){ w['BillieCheckoutWidget']=o;w[o]=w[o]||function(){(w[o].q=w[o].q||[]).push(arguments)}; w.billieSrc=f;js=d.createElement(s);fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];; js.src=f;js.charset='utf-8';js.async=1;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);bcw('init'); }(window,document,'script','bcw', bcwSrc)); </script>

The URL contained in bcwSrc specifies whether you are using the Sandbox or Production environment:



The code snippet above injects our checkout script into the head of the webshop. This will download our widget bundle code and enable function calls to interact with the widget.

It is strongly recommended to add this code snippet as high as possible in the document head to ensure that the widget download completes as soon as possible, providing a smooth user experience.

2. Provide Config Data

During initialization of the widget, the session_id is required. This can be obtained by calling Checkout Session Create from your backend and exposing it to the frontend. The session_id will be unique per order.

<script> const billie_config_data = { 'session_id': ':YOUR_SESSION_ID', 'merchant_name': ':YOUR_NAME' } </script>

The session_id is needed to approve the order and should be known before mounting the widget.

Ideally, if you are using server-side rendering, this piece of code should be inserted into the document head with prefilled values. Otherwise please ensure there is an XHR request as early as possible to your backend to retrieve the session_id.

For a guideline how to present Billie as payment method please refer to the Checkout Design Guide.

3. Provide Order Details and Call Mount Method

Once the user reviews their checkout basket and is ready to pay, they can click on the Pay with Billie button. When this happens, Billie expects the mount method to be called. The easiest integration option is to inline the function call directly on the button, for example:

<script> function payWithBillie() { // prepare / get all the data and assign it to billie_order_data, please refer to 3a section BillieCheckoutWidget.mount({ billie_config_data: billie_config_data, billie_order_data: billie_order_data, // not required additional options, please refer to 3c section billie_widget_options: { payment_method: payment_method } }) .then(function success(ao) { // code to execute when approved order // console.log('Approved order', ao); }) .catch(function failure(err) { // code to execute when there is an error or when order is rejected // console.log('Error occurred', err); }); } </script> <button onclick="payWithBillie()"> Pay with Billie </button>

BillieCheckoutWidget is a JavaScript promise which can accept optional then and catch methods. They can be added if the webshop needs to perform an action based on the outcome of the order authorization.

The then block will receive as a parameter the object with the authorized order details.

The catch block will receive the error object with reasons why the order creation was rejected.

3.a Mount Method Parameters

BillieCheckoutWidget.mount expects three parameters:

  • billie_config_data is the object received in step two which includes the session_id and merchant_name
  • billie_order_data is a collection of order data from the user
  • billie_widget_options [optional] is an object which includes payment_method

3.b Order Data Object

The order data object must contain all information about an order, in the following format (required values are marked with a *):

  • amount [object]*
    • gross [float]* > 0
    • tax [float]* >= 0
    • net [float]* > 0
  • duration [integer]* [7...120]
  • delivery_address [object]*
    • street [string]* <= 255 characters
    • house_number [string] <= 255 characters
    • addition [string] <= 255 characters
    • city [string]* <= 255 characters
    • postal_code [string]*
    • country [string]* 2 characters ^[A-Za-z]{2}$
  • debtor_company [object]*
    • name [string]* <= 255 characters
    • established_customer [boolean]
    • address_street [string]* <= 255 characters
    • address_house_number [string]* <= 255 characters
    • address_addition [string] <= 255 characters
    • address_city [string]* <= 255 characters
    • address_postal_code [string]* 5 characters ^[0-9]{5}$
    • address_country [string]* 2 characters ^[A-Za-z]{2}$
  • debtor_person [object]*
    • salutation [string] 1 character ["m" / "f"]
    • first_name [string] <= 255 characters
    • last_name [string] <= 255 characters
    • phone_number [string] >= 5 characters, <= 20 characters ^(\+|\d|\()[ \-\/0-9()]{5,20}$
    • email [string]* <= 255 characters valid email
  • line_items [array of objects]*
    • external_id [string] <= 255 characters
    • title [string]* <= 255 characters
    • description [string] <= 255 characters
    • quantity [integer]* >= 1
    • category [string] <= 255 characters
    • brand [string] <= 255 characters
    • gtin [string] <= 255 characters
    • mpn [string] <= 255 characters
    • amount [object]*
      • gross [float]* > 0
      • tax [float]* >= 0
      • net [float]* > 0

Below you can find an example of orderData object in javascript:

const billie_order_data = { "amount": { "net": 100, "gross": 100, "tax": 0 }, "comment": "string", "duration": 30, "delivery_address": { "house_number": "string", "street": "string", "city": "string", "postal_code": "10000", "country": "DE", "addition": "string" }, "debtor_company": { "name": "string", "established_customer": false, "address_house_number": "string", "address_street": "string", "address_city": "string", "address_postal_code": "10000", "address_country": "DE", "address_addition": "string" }, "debtor_person": { "salutation": "m", "first_name": "string", "last_name": "string", "phone_number": "030 31199251", "email": "" }, "line_items": [ { "external_id": "string", "title": "string", "description": "string", "quantity": 1, "category": "string", "brand": "string", "gtin": "string", "mpn": "string", "amount": { "net": 100, "gross": 100, "tax": 0 }, } // , ... ] };

4. Handle Widget Responses

When submitted, the checkout widget will evaluate if an order with the given data can be accepted.

  • If an order cannot be accepted, the widget will return the state declined with a specified decline_reason
  • If an order can be accepted immediately the widget will return the state authorized.
  • It is also possible that some additional checks need to be conducted by Billie in order to accept the order. In this case the widget will return the state pre_waiting.

In both authorized and pre_waiting states the checkout-session-confirm call must be used to confirm the order creation.


After submitting the widget, following data will be returned to either then or catch block:

  • state [string] <= 255 characters
    Enum: authorized declined pre_waiting
  • decline_reason [string] <= 255 characters
    Enum: validation_error risk_policy debtor_not_identified debtor_address risk_scoring_failed debtor_limit_exceeded unknown_error
  • validation_error_source [string] <= 255 characters
  • debtor_company [object]
  • name [string] <= 255 characters
  • address_street [string] <= 255 characters
  • address_house_number [string] <= 255 characters
  • address_city [string] <= 255 characters
  • address_postal_code [string] 5 characters ^[0-9]{5}$
  • address_country [string] 2 characters ^[A-Za-z]{2}$

Special note

  • decline_reason will be set only when state value is declined
  • validation_error_source will be set only when decline_reason value is validation_error. We will fill this property with information to help you find which fields are failing validation checks.