Checkout Design Guide


In order to ensure customers understand the payment methods offered and have a consistent experience with Billie across multiple platforms, we have created this comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to display Billie on your checkout page.

Below you will find our Billie Badge, as well as the correct labels for Payment Descriptor, Additional Subheading, and Additional Payment Information.

Step 1: Add in the correct labels for payment information

Let's start with selecting the correct labels, which you can copy from the table below. You can choose between the two variants listed below:

  1. Payment Descriptor + Subheading + short Payment Information
  2. Payment Descriptor + NO Subheading + long Payment Information

The second variant should only be used if you have integrated Billie using your Klarna integration.

When choosing variant 2, please don’t forget to exchange the payment duration inside the Additional Payment Information according to the agreed conditions.

Variant 1 (default)

Payment Descriptor (DE)Additional Subheading (DE)Additional Payment Information (DE)
RechnungskaufJetzt kaufen, später bezahlen.- Erst nach Erhalt der Ware bezahlen.
- Rechnungen können Sie im Billie Käuferportal verwalten.
Payment Descriptor (EN)Additional Subheading (EN)Additional Payment Information (EN)
Pay by invoiceBuy Now, Pay Later- Pay after delivery.
- You can manage your invoices in the Billie Buyer Portal.

Step 2: Integrate the Billie Checkout Badge

Refer to the following links to implement the Billie Checkout Badge:



Our preferred integration features our Billie black badge as seen above. It should always be displayed alongside the Payment Descriptor and should never overlap with other content, such as text or other elements.

The standard size for implementation is 60px height x 30px width at a 1:1 pixel density (or @1x). The minimum size is 48px height x 24px width at a 1:1 pixel density.

If your checkout has a dark background and does not offer visibility against our standard badge, a white badge is also available.

Refer to the following links to implement the white Billie Badge:



If you need support on integration best practices, please feel free to contact us.

Step 3: Check your results!

Please ensure that all the elements have been implemented properly. You can use our Do's and Don'ts overview below to make sure that you have taken all the right steps.

