View payments
Payments overview
The "Payments" tab takes you to the payments overview. Here, you will find all payments received by Billie on the VIBAN that we have created between you and your customers. In the overview, you can see the amount of the payment, the name of the sender, the purpose of the payment, the date of receipt and the status of the payment.
Payment status
Here you will find an overview of the different payment statuses:
Status | Description |
Allocated | If the payment could not be allocated, then the allocation was either not successful or the payment has not yet been allocated. |
Not allocated | If the payment could not be allocated, then the allocation was either not successful or the payment has not yet been allocated. |
Overpayment | If a payment was marked as an "Overpayment", we were not able to correctly allocate the payment to an open receivable despite receipt of it on the correct VIBAN. This payment will therefore be forwarded to you immediately afterward as an overpayment to your own company account that you have registered with Billie. |
Here you have the option to filter according to the status of the payment and thus obtain an overview as to what has been allocated or not, and what has been sent as an overpayment.
Payment report
To get an overview of your overpayments, you will also receive a report every working day for all overpayments of the last 30 days. This gives you the opportunity to track the overpayments and to independently offset overpayments you have received against individual invoices with the help of the dashboard and the "Report a payment" function. For more information, please refer to the chapter Managing orders.
Updated about 2 years ago