Get Started via Partner
Step 1: Prepare your integration
Once you decide to enable Billie through your existing partner integration, you will receive your integration documents from your sales representative of the respective partner. Billie makes sure that partner integrations support all order management capabilities that are needed for Billie. Partner integrations require only a few changes to ensure a successful integration with Billie. If you haven’t received the integration documents for your integration yet, you can find documentation on the different partner integration options here for Klarna, here for Mollie, here for Adyen.
If you are planning to integrate Klarna & Billie from scratch, please sign up at Klarna first and contact your Klarna sales representative about integrating Billie’s B2B solution.
Step 2: Build your integration
Integration Kick-Off
When you are ready to enable Billie, your partner's sales representative will initiate an Integration Kick-off call with Billie’s integration team. If the call has not been arranged, please contact your partner sales representative before continuing with the integration. In the Kick-off call, we will run you through the different integration steps and discuss a project roadmap for your integration. Please ensure that your responsible tech team is participating in the meeting, so we can answer any open questions about our documentation.
Start building your integration
Start building your integration using your partner test account. Your partner sales representative will schedule regular check-ins to track progress and discuss roadblocks with you. When Billie is enabled in your test account, you can start using our Sandbox Testing Guide to test different order flows.
Step 3: Pass the acceptance test
Once you have thoroughly tested your integration in your Test Account, and all order flows work as expected, we will schedule an acceptance test with you. During the acceptance test, the partner will run through the different order flows of your integration and make sure your API integration is working smoothly on all ends. Depending on the country you are planning to launch in, there might be additional requirements that will be checked during the acceptance test.
Step 4: Get ready to accept B2B payments
After you pass the acceptance test, your partner Delivery Manager will prepare everything for your launch. You will be informed once Billie is activated on your live system, and you are ready to receive the first B2B order.
Updated 8 months ago